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Good Practice Visits 

Group visit to the Social Farm

LTTA Activity - Learners Meet in Trieste, Italy (June 2024)

The first C2 LTTA Training Mobility which enabled learners who engaged on the Digilance4SE Training Programme in each country, to further enhance their learning experience with an international dimension.  Hosted by our Italian partner, groups from Ireland, Romania, Greece, Slovenia and Germany took part in active learning exercises, good practice visits and cultural exchanges.  Additionally, language development and partnership strengthening were the high level impact and outcomes for this part of our project.  Further LTTA activity will be happening throughout the summer and autumn of 2024, in Dublin Ireland and Athens Greece.  

Well done to all our trainees, for their engagement, commitment and contributions, sharing your business ideas and friendship with the group.


Each Partner took time to discuss their module with the group and allowed everyone else the opportunity to be involved to ensure for a collaborative project

Not all work, we were very lucky to explore Miramare castle and form friendships with our colleagues

The Project

Group Dinners are a vital part of our project, this down time allows us to get to know each other better, learn each others background and cement our working relationship.

Partners bond, share experiences and even discuss the project in more relaxed environment, all while sampling the local cuisine and learning more about the culture of the hosting country.

Peer Reviewing the Training Modules

In Trieste, we made a decision for partners to work in tandem and peer review modules,  This would allow multiple opinions on each module but ensure that the goal of the module is clear and the steps to reach each outcome is covered.

The Project

Process flow of the project, including the steps involved in each Project Results

Well done to the whole team, great planning and brainstorming, during 2 busy days.

Face to face meeting are vital in this project, we all need have different background and experiences in social entrepreneurship and social enterprises. Getting together allows us to share our thoughts and ideas and most importantly share good practice we can take back to our own country and organisation

Meeting our colleagues we have only met via zoom, is always rewarding

Meeting our colleagues we have only met via zoom, is always rewarding

Next Stop – Dublin, Ireland

For Further details contact:


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