Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences


With about 13,000 students, twelve faculties, and 21 departments, Ostfalia counts among the biggest universities of applied sciences in Lower Saxony. As a state institution of higher education, it is represented by personnel of around 1000 – including 230 professors (2018) – at its Salzgitter, Suderburg, Wolfenbuettel, and Wolfsburg branches. Ostfalia also features seven Associated Institutes. In 2018, the university's total budget amounted to about 104.5 million Euros, of which some 7.8 million Euros were third-party funds (incl. training costs).

Partner Info

  • Partner Name Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences
  • Country Germany
  • Website https://www.ostfalia.de
  • Email l.kolhoff@ostfalia.de
  • Email f.kresimon@ostfalia.de

Research at Ostfalia is application-oriented and characterised by close research collaborations with business and industry. Our university has a multitude of research specialities, which are reflected in our own areas of activity as well as those of the associated institutes. The wide range of research activities helps to foster interdisciplinary collaborations. 

Ostfalia promotes and supports an important variety of international activities. The international office (https://www.ostfalia.de/cms/de/iso) offers students numerous opportunities for international exchange: scholarships, summer schools, traineeship, mobility in Europe and beyond, participation in Erasmus+ initiatives and projects. 

The Entrepreneurship Hub supports students, alumni and scientific employees of Ostfalia, TU Brauschweig and HBK Braunschweig who are interested in starting up a business. https://www.ostfalia.de/cms/en/forschung/knowledge-technology-transfer/entrepreneurship/ Resources for this branch are coming too from the Exist-Program. In the Entrepreneurship Hub, start-ups have already been founded, which (want to) promote Social Innovation and which offer solutions for (social) problems that the founders have encountered or observed. In addition, the hub conducts research on Regional Entrepreneurship and Start-Up Ecosystems, Entrepreneural University, Entrepreneural Mindset, Entrepreneurship Education and High Tech Entrepreneurship. 

The Social Work Faculty of Ostfalia, in the basic course of study Social Work, since 25 years realizes regular international seminars in the field of organization of social work in Europe (Germany/ France/ Italy). The aim is to give students an insight into the field of social work in other European countries or in countries outside Europe (like India, China or South Africa). In addition, seminars are held on segregation processes in schools and neighborhoods, school social work, networks and educational landscapes, as well as on migration, flight and integration, all of which benefit from the findings of research projects conducted by this faculty. 

Ostfalia has an outstanding expertise due to seven focus research areas and takes part in many international research and other projects. It cooperates with both companies and the public sector. The projects develop new, broad-based solutions for regional and national needs. Ostfalia is a member of FHnet, a network bringing together all the 23 universities of applied sciences that participate in the EU-Strategie-FH programme. 

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