ljudska univerza Žalec

Formal educational programmes (primary school for adults and secondary vocational programmes for adult).

Partner Info

  • Partner Name UPI – ljudska univerza Žalec
  • Country Solvenia
  • Website www.upi.si
  • Email

Non-formal educational programmes (language centre UPI, computer courses, general literacy programmes, integration programmes for migrants, training and national vocational qualifications, courses and workshops, entrepreneurial workshops, study circles). 

Guidance and supporting activities (Guidance and information Centre Žalec, Career Guidance Point Žalec, Centre of Self- directed Learning, Knowledge Exchange, Lifelong Learning Week, Sustainable Development Education Week, Learning Support to adults). 

Relevant activities of the University are:

  • Local projects  
  • National projects  
  • ESF projects 
  • Erasmus+ 
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