C2 Train the Trainer Event, Zalec Slovenia 25 – 29 September 2023

Transnational Meeting in Ireland Sets Stage for Successful Project Progress

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Project Meetings

Transnational Meeting in Ireland Sets Stage for Successful Project Progress.


[DUBLIN, IRELAND] – In a significant step towards project excellence, partners from various countries convened in Ireland for a productive transnational meeting. The event, held in the picturesque surroundings of Dublin Ireland, was aimed at refining project modules and planning for upcoming training sessions.

During the meeting, extensive time was dedicated to valuable feedback sessions, focusing on the refinement of Project Result 2 modules. These enhancements are crucial in preparation for the highly anticipated C1 training scheduled to take place in Slovenia at the end of September. Partners collaborated enthusiastically to ensure the modules are poised to deliver a comprehensive and effective training experience.

Apart from discussions on project modules, the partners also dedicated time to fine-tune their project timetable. The meticulous planning will ensure a seamless execution of the upcoming training and project activities.

In the midst of the productive sessions, partners also had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the local culture through cultural visits. The meeting’s venue added a unique touch to the experience, as partners were accommodated at Trinity College, renowned not only for its academic prowess but also for its social enterprise initiatives.

The transnational meeting in Ireland not only fostered professional growth and project development but also provided a platform for cultural exchange and collaboration among international partners. With this successful meeting as a foundation, the project is on track for continued success and impact.

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